
Carlo Gatti

Paesaggio a modo mio

Oil on Canvas



Scomposizione d’amore n. 164 – Semaforo rosso

Oil on Canvas



Vaso con rose…a modo mio

Oil on Canvas



Scomposizione d’amore/ I ricordi dell’ infanzia

Oil on Canvas



La Pin up ed il suo maggiordomo

Oil on Canvas



Out of order

Oil on Canvas



Immagina l’ oltre

Oil on Canvas



Papaveri al vento

Oil on Canvas



La signora dei girasoli

Oil on Canvas



Sotto la tenda del cuore

Oil on Canvas



Costiera amalfitana

Oil on Canvas



Girasoli con la luna

Oil on Canvas



La regina dei pirati

Oil on Canvas



Le geometrie astrali di un amore

Oil on Canvas



Natura morta con la luna (Sold)

Oil on Canvas


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Natura morta con il mare e pinocchio

Oil on Canvas



I due ultimi gabbiani del castello

Oil on Canvas



Il sole in finestra

Oil on paper



Interno con il sole

Oil On Table



Piccolo nudino di schiena (Sold)

Oil On Table



Scomposizione d’amore-n°162-I baci rubati

Oil on Canvas



Gli incubi dell’amore

Oil on Canvas



I pezzi sparsi qua e la della vita

Oil on Canvas



Il sole con lei

Oil on Canvas



La modella felice

Oil on Canvas



Le geometrie astrali della seduzione

Oil on Canvas



About the artist

Carlo Gatti

Carlo Gatti

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Carlo Gatti began drawing at the age of thirteen for the magazine “Il Calcio e Ciclismo Illustrati”. He completed classical studies. In 1977 the Italian-French Gazzetta Artemercato Internazionale assigned him the first price: 120,000 lire for a 30x40cm. In 1978 Panepinto “Contemporary Painters and Sculptors” entered the catalogue.

Since 1984 the artist no longer exhibits because he is busy with other activities. In 1997 he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome (Rector Prof. Antonio Passa). In 1998 it is in the “Arte Moderna” catalog – G. Mondadori n. 34, with a price of 3,500,000 lire for a 30x40cm; again in 1998, the magazine “Quadri e Sculture” by Duccio Trombadori dedicated two pages to him in the December issue, signed by Vittorio Brauner.

In 1999 it was again in the Mondadori catalog no. 35 and again in 2000, on n. 36, with a price of 1,500,000 lire for a 30x40cm. In 2003, the “Babuino” auction house of Rome included it in the auction catalog of 11 March 2003. In the September 2005 issue, the Arte Mondadori magazine published an entire page on the artist within the “Artisti in Campania” exhibition.

I believe that making the invisible visible is the great merit of art; try to make the observer see the birth of things, the hidden of reality, it is the merit of those who paint. Spreading color on the canvas is equivalent to describing the world, whether beautiful or ugly; and the more color you do it, the better you can convey the idea.

I started like this, a long time ago, and I still continue today trying to convey something to others. I first went through raw symbolism, identifying myself with my own life and that of others. Then, refining the technique and research, I arrived at figuration. I admit that mine is a “strange” figuration: I paint still lifes on beaches, decompositions where the entire image contrasts with a dismembered plane. This is my natural path that I don’t know where it will take me again, perhaps back to the symbolism of when I began.

Painting is the link between reality and fantasy. I rely on the voice of feelings (or even senses) when I paint. That’s enough for me, and I’ll take care of the rest around me to me. In the age of computerization, technology and video I was lucky that people like what I paint.