About the artist
Giulia Caruso
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Born into an Italian family, GIULIA spent the first two years of her life in the African Sahara. Her father’s career then took the family to South Africa where they went on to spend four blissful years. These incredible experiences helped shape her personality and installed in her the curiosity to travel and discover the world and its many cultures.
At the age of seven, GIULIA moved back to Pavia, in northern Italy – a charming, historically rich city near Milan. Growing up she was a rebellious teenager, passionate about culture, philosophy, fashion, and the world of art. She studied fashion styling at Milan’s renowned Istituto Marangoni which nurtured her love of The Arts. She then decided to move to London to further nurture her creativity, later graduating from the London College of Communication with a BA in Media and Cultural Studies.
Since graduating, she has traveled the world, has worked in the film industry in Paris on an independent film as well as being an art teacher in Pavia for five years.
SmArt Coast is an online art gallery that hosts selected works in a new concept of common space.
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