About the artist
Mario Alberto Agugiaro
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Born in Rome in the middle of the last century, I have always had a passion for drawing. At nine I had the house wallpapered with drawings of all the Disney characters and at fourteen I had already replaced them with the nudes from the Sistine Chapel. The first important exhibitions were linked to the cultural and commercial activity that took place every summer on the banks of the Tiber linked to the splendid artistic events that took place as part of the Tiber Expo. From there the doors opened for me to numerous artistic competitions which I took on with flattering results. The turning point came in the 80s with an exhibition organized at the Orangerie of Versailles in Paris, reserved for Italian artists and for which I was selected. It was the meeting with interesting painters and the birth of a small artistic circle that grew around a pictorial idea to which we gave the name of Grumatica. With this painting we, young painters, entered the frenetic Roman nights of artists doing research. The grumatica was presented to the public in 1985 at the Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola in an exhibition dedicated to it. It was a fruitful period of work and some examples of the works of that time are in the hands of prestigious art enthusiasts. The group disbanded after a few years and each of us resumed painting according to our own conscience and inspiration.
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