About the artist
Matteo Epicheo
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Matteo Epicheo born in Cesena on 05/11/1988 Resident in Cesenatico.
Self-taught painter, I started painting out of passion as a hobby during the first lockdown, becoming so passionate that in December 2020 I decided to leave the baking company of which I was a partner to dedicate myself entirely to painting.
On November 5, 2021, my birthday, I decide to open the Instagram page (templart33) dedicated to my art.
My works are noticed and I participate in my first collective exhibition in Milan “AMARS III” WITH CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION.
LATER on 4 April 2022 through the “art now” editorial team I EXHIBITED in video projection AT THE “VON ZEIDLER ART GALLERY” FOR THE “1st PRIZE CITY OF BERLIN”.
ON 28 APRIL 2022 during the entire weekend of May 1st the “Artecontesa” gallery in Rome requested my painting (return to the castle) to be exhibited in conjunction with the “hundred painters via margutta Rome” event
Releasing a certificate of more critical participation and esteem for the painting.
On Saturday 25 June “ArtExpó Gallery” awarded me at the tourism building in Cesenatico with the “Artist of the Year 2022 Trophy”
From 9 to 15 September through the “Art-now” editorial team and the “Effetto Arte” gallery I will exhibit and compete for the “artists for peace” award in Palermo.
24 September 2022 “ArtExpó Gallery” awarded me at the prestigious location of Monte-Carlo with “The Palme d’Or for Visual Arts”
SmArt Coast is an online art gallery that hosts selected works in a new concept of common space.
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©2025 Smart Coast Gallery - Sorrento (Italy) - All right reserved - P.Iva 05598460656