
Roberta Pelone

C’è una crepa in ogni cosa ed è da lì che entra la luce.

Digital Art



La volta celeste si apre come un portacipria

Digital Art



Per scaldarmi mi basta stare accanto a te

Digital Art



About the artist


Roberta Pelone

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With photography I feel free, inverse, instinctive and I live it with such intensity, love and wonder, that it gives richness and joy to my life. It is also a place of peace and silence, where my senses find meaning, it is also an inner search and my constant reflection on it helps me to renew my language and intense desire to experiment.

My Artistic Philosophy: The search for a time suspended, full of waiting and silence. Which enhances and requires a slow gaze, images that are not shouted in certain opposition to the language that is most fashionable today, imposing, strong, extreme….looking for the impact of the blow of scene. I pursue the need for a language that lowers the tones, that captures the whispers, the shadows. I’ll be out of time and reverse, but this is my inner “feeling” on this journey whose end I would never like to see. Today I curate, as a speaker in a web radio NO LIMITS Radio – your life, your radio a photography column with interviews with great and singular artists entitled Obiettiva, every Sunday from 6.00 to 8.00 and in Replica from 18.00 to 20.00.

Pubblicazioni, Mostre e Premi a livello internazionale:
1.Nel 2023 a Palermo vinco il Premio International Carreer Awards Talents and Professional Fondazione Costanza;
2.Nel 2023/2024 Mostra Internazionale itinerante Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Washington;
3.Edizione del Catalogo “Protagonisti ai tempi dell’Arte” Art Global Associazione Culturale con Presentazione al Senato 08 Giugno 2022;
4.Edizioni Atlante Internazionale dell’Arte De Agostini nel 2019 e 2020;
5.Nel 2019 pubblicata in Artisti edito Mondadori;
6.PORTFOLIO pubblicato sul web magazine VOGUE Italia;
7.pubblicazione e critica nel 2015 sull’ Annuario d’Arte Collezionismo pittori e scultori del ‘900 Dott. Francesco Chetta Editore;
8.Intervista all’artista a cura del Dott. Valtero Curzi Filosofo e autore mese di Gennaio 2013 sul web magazine Nabila Fluxus Art Gallery Museum;
9.Pubblicazione della foto ” Pesca la Rete” su Digital Photographer Italia di Giugno 2013;
10.Artista del mese di Dicembre 2012 web Art Shoza Gallery;
11.Foto selezionata tra le migliori del mese di Agosto 2011 nel web magazine National Geographic.
Vincitrice di molteplici Premi, presente in Mostre collettive e personali in tutto il mondo (Louvre, Londra, New York, Washington, Malta, Madrid, Cannes, Montecarlo,
Bologna, Firenze, Mantova)

My Artistic Philosophy: The search for a time suspended, full of waiting and silence. Which enhances and requires a slow gaze, images that are not shouted in certain opposition to the language that is most fashionable today, imposing, strong, extreme….looking for the impact of the blow of scene. I pursue the need for a language that lowers the tones, that captures the whispers, the shadows. I’ll be out of time and reverse, but this is my inner “feeling” on this journey whose end I would never like to see.