SmArt Coast

[vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”8349″ name=”Silvia Caimi” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]It is really rare in the field of art to find professionalism and even more difficult to land in serious, reliable and quality projects. Smart Coast Gallery represents an exception. Thanks to Paolo Minervino, owner of the Gallery, you experience competence, seriousness, punctuality and correctness And you feel pampered. Ready to give your best.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”7804″ name=”Amedeo Cianci” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Smartcoast, a window on the world, when art finds the skills, the elegance in representing it is the maximum of professionalism that an artist can aspire to. This thanks to Paolo Minervino and his staff whom I met recently but it was enough for me to appreciate his way of doing and working.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”8101″ name=”Antonella Di Renzo” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Am I the luckiest artist in the world? Yesssss, having known Dr. Minervino and being part of the SMART COAST GALLERY, makes me, not only rejoice to be friends with beautiful and honest people, but also to spread my art and sell abroad … My “LE BISTROT “goes to Turkey. Thank you very much Paolo![/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4324″ name=”Luigi Preziosi” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Today more than ever social media are part of our daily life, we never fail to consult them and discover new things. And that’s how I discovered the smart coast gallery I have to admit that I’m always a little skeptical about online collaborations but in this case I have to change my mind, I started collaborating with this gallery and immediately I was followed in a professional and scrupulous way beyond that by the staff also by its founder PAOLO MINERVINO. For us artists it is essential to have serious people who follow you and above all who make known what you do, and a necessary combination for the growth of an artist, I personally found it in the Smart coast gallery and in the professionalism of PAOLO MINERVINO Professional that I thank for getting me into this Big Family.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”8291″ name=”Daniele Barbieri” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]In a world, that of art, full of redundant words, of easy promises, above all, today more than ever, in the Internet galaxy, Smartcoast gallery is an exception, as much as an excellence. It would be enough to know its founder and manager, mr. Paolo Minervino (who is only Paolo for “his” artist-friends) and exchange some opinions with him, to realize it. I chose to entrust the presentation and dissemination of my works to Smartcoast gallery for a reason as “simple” as, for me, decisive; I was not sold promises of easy sales, of dazzling and immediate success, but I was given the most important things: sincere esteem and professional seriousness. Which are, above all else, the qualities that always lead to the best results.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4323″ name=”Thia Path” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Not even a month after joining and my first sale has already been made. Professionalism and seriousness. It seems that it works! Thanks Paolo Minervino and Smartcoast Gallery![/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4348″ name=”Monica Abbondanzia” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]The Smart coast Gallery together with its founder Paolo Minervino were a really nice discovery and a lucky encounter.
You have the pleasure of collaborating serenely, in a direct relationship with the curator who supports the artist’s work in an efficient, effective and above all serious way. Personally I really appreciate the human exchange with which Paolo encourages me in my beloved artistic path, even with targeted indications, for me he was like a window on the world, a world that of the art market not simple, but with his care and his indications are proving fascinating and productive. The 3D gallery is a real splendor, very useful to let the public grasp the true intensity of the work.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4349″ name=”Loretta Pavani” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I had the pleasure of meeting Paolo Minervino thanks to Instagram.
I find that Paul is an authentic force of nature!
Exuberant, nice, present and very professional.
I am honored to be able to collaborate with him because; in the world of art it is not obvious to find professionals of his caliber.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4351″ name=”Santina De Marco” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Finally a serious gallery to collaborate with.
SmArt coast follows you, pampers you, does everything to sell your works and really promote you all over the world.
One of my beautiful works is in Turkey at one of the wealthiest collectors in Instanbul. Happy to be part of the SmArt coast family[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4352″ name=”Morena Tirintino (Malugho)” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I ran into Smart and then into Paolo Minervino “because Smart is one of his creatures” so I identify her in Him. Coincidentally, I read and got informed and I liked what I discovered.
I contacted and almost on tiptoe I asked if I could join given the Smart coast philosophy for the selection of artists.
To my great joy I became part of this small but immense world in which you are followed, supported, advised and encouraged tirelessly by the owner with great professionalism.
We artists are privileged since we do the most beautiful work in the world, and if you find a person like Paolo Minervino next to you who follows you in all respects, live your art fully.
It is then perceived, not least, that he does this not only for the mere gain but above all for the great love he has for art.
What else to say ……. thanks Paolo.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4353″ name=”Walter Passarella” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]My experience with the Smart Coast Gallery has been truly satisfying in every sense. At the beginning I was hesitant, considering the large number of not very serious people who meet in the art sector, but then the great enthusiasm of the owner Paolo Minervino and his professionalism convinced me to accept the proposal to be present among the artists of the gallery. I have a sincere friendship with Paolo, and as a gallery owner who follows me step by step. I must also point out that the organizational system regarding the shipments of the works and the payments thereof, leaves the artist totally relieved of any thought !! A 5-star organization.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4355″ name=”Cristóbal Pérez García” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]

It is difficult to find an art gallery that totally protects the artist and the collector’s interests. Smart coast is a guarantee of honesty and reliability. Really happy to be represented by Smart Coast.

[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4357″ name=”Jonas Leriche” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I am happy to be part of the Smart coast gallery. Paolo Minervino is one of the most honest and competent gallery owners I have ever worked with. In Smart Coast you feel protected as an artist, and you have the guarantee that your works are really visible to selected collectors all over the world.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4358″ name=”Tommaso Arscone” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I am happy to be part of the Smart coast gallery. And to have had the great opportunity to become part of Artsy, where any artist who wants to make his works known in the world should enter.
Just a month and my picture is already in South America.
Thanks Smart coast and thanks Paolo Minervino![/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4359″ name=”Dario Campanile” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I am happy to collaborate with the SmArtcoast coast and with Paolo Minervino. In him I found all the features that should distinguish an art dealer and the relationship with your artist: competence, loyalty and self-sacrifice in achieving common goals.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4360″ name=”Francesco Capello” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I work with gallery owners from all over the world, but I’m happy to collaborate with Paolo Minervino’s SmArtcoast.
Correctness, loyalty and friendship are always the basis of a fervent collaboration[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4362″ name=”Alessandro Marziano” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Smartcoast is a showcase on the most exclusive streets of every city in the world, a great way to make all the connoisseurs of good painting know their work. But it is not enough: in Paolo Minervino I found the same passion and the same commitment of the historical gallery owners, those who use their energies to promote and launch the work of the artists in which they believe, thus taking care of the interests of painters and sculptors but also those of collectors, always offering quality works, consistent with their tastes. Thanks Paolo, thanks Smartcoast Gallery![/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4363″ name=”Naike” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I am happy and proud to be part of smartcoast.
I have been working with them for two years now. Paolo and his staff do everything to enhance my art and every time they have sold one of my works, they have always made me share the emotions of the client.
Here the artist already feels an excellence and not a tool.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4364″ name=”Aurelio Bruni” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]For just over a year, I have been collaborating with the SmartCoastGallery directed by Mr. Paolo Minervino, with whom I immediately established a cordial, collaborative and above all respectful relationship.
Honored to have been chosen by him and introduced in a showcase that boasts prestigious artists, to my surprise I soon received satisfaction, as well as appreciation, also of actual acquisitions by foreign buyers in particular, a clear sign of a concrete and valid professionalism of Paul in doing patient but effective work.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4365″ name=”Trademark Altieri 1930″ prof=”Luxury Brand” width=”200″]Creativity, expression, aesthetics, technique, language, emotions, messages … the Trademark Altieri, now in its third generation, keeping faith with an ancient profession of jewelery aritigans, finds thanks to Paolo and his SmartCoastGallery, the best showcase to exhibit at I publish his jewels.
I thank Paolo for giving me the opportunity to be present in his gallery next to internationally renowned artists.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4367″ name=”Capri Gold Story” prof=”Luxury Brand” width=”200″]I have the habit of saying that coincidences do not exist, because everything that happens is the way the universe has to guide our journey towards the desired goal.
For this reason, I consider the meeting with Paolo Minervino and Smart Coast a pleasant stage on this journey, a meeting that brought me to the knowledge of an efficient, professional showcase managed by really smart people.
I have the habit of saying that there are no coincidences, because everything that happens is the universe has to guide our journey towards the desired goal.
For this reason, I consider the meeting with Paolo Minervino and Smart Coast at a pleasant stage on this journey, a meeting that brought me to an efficient, professional showcase managed by really “smArt” people![/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4368″ name=”Erika Azzarello” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]I have to thank the smartcoast CEO, Paolo Minervino for appreciated and chose my artworks, at first. And giving me good chances to sell them to collectors from all the world.
Professional and empathyc person, it’s a pleasure to work with him.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4369″ name=”Mario Garulph Cianferoni” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]The Smartcoastgallery site reflects the style of the people who created it. Elegance, aesthetic beauty and charm can be recognized by those involved in art! The ultimate goal, the satisfaction of the artist and the collector. Thanks Smartcoast.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”4370″ name=”Massimo Pennacchini” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Finally a SERIOUS gallery with which to collaborate. I entrusted my image and production to them, giving them confidence and I was rewarded for it. I recommend it to both collectors and artists.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ caption_url=”” image_id=”9276″ name=”Maria Marta Racca” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Few choices in life are excellent, especially when choosing whether to trust people who don’t know each other directly. Well, my choice to rely on Paolo Minervino’s professionalism and inspiration was the Choice. And do you first know what convinced me? The fact that, speaking by phone about artists and techniques, I immediately noticed how Paolo was correctly informed on the subject. Get in tune with the artist and the support of a gallery owner is not to be underestimated. Some self-styled gallery owners only work for their own benefit. Paolo Minervino, through the SmartCoast Gallery, on the other hand, works alongside the artists and this, in my opinion, makes the difference. Maria Racca[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_testimonial style=”theme4″ rating=”5_stars” radius=”20″ namesize=”24″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”8296″ name=”Emmanuela Zavattaro” prof=”Artist” width=”200″]Smart Coast Gallery: Paolo Mervino. They had made an excellent impression on the net, but from within as an artist chosen, followed and pampered I can only be more than happy with the choice I made! Entrusting my creatures to Paolo’s expert and miraculous hands has already brought the first results after only a month of collaboration !! So thank you Smart Coast Gallery!
Facta non verba[/vc_testimonial][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]