SmArt Coast


Rosa D’Angelo

Saprò di pace

Oil on Canvas



Non regalarmi fiori

Oil on Canvas



La calma di Matilde

Oil on Canvas



About the artist

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-28 at 17.16.29

Rosa D’Angelo

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D’Angelo Rosa born in Milan in 1963. She has always lived in Cesano Maderno MB and worked as a chemical expert in the sector of industrial hygiene and toxicology in the occupational medicine laboratory of the hospital of Desio, however cultivating in her free time the passion for the Arts that she had learned as a self-taught girl.

She explored different techniques of artistic creation, from decorative to ceramic (third fire), pastels, watercolour, oil painting, clay modelling.

She has participated in various awards and collective exhibitions of both national and international importance in famous galleries, historic buildings and theaters in the locations of: Florence, Palermo, Venice, San Remo, Bergamo, Paris, London, Barcelona, ​​New York, Manhattan.

In 2020 she was awarded by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi with a review as an Emerging Artist.

In 2024 special mention for having participated in the exhibition at the art gallery in Milan