SmArt Coast


Silvio Vigliaturo

Inseparabili, tra cielo e terra (Diptych)

Oil on Canvas



Una lampadina può salvare il mondo

Oil on Canvas



About the artist

1241- BABELE, 2017 cm. 230x38 (1)

Silvio Vigliaturo

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SiIlvio Vigliaturo, an internationally renowned artist and glass master, finds his most authentic purpose in sculpture through infinite possibilities of interpretation.

As a modern alchemist tames the “liquid stone”, this is how glass was defined in ancient Egypt, transforming it through the procreative force of fire into flexible and transparent sculptures where color reigns supreme. From his workshop in Chieri, he enters the history of glass as an Italian artist recognized by the American Studio Glass, a movement born in America in the 1960s. Of him, Antonio Paolucci (former Director of the Vatican Museums) wrote: “Vigliaturo is good.

I often see materials by contemporary artists but I have rarely felt the admiration and pleasure that his colored glass gave me. He is a brilliant artist with a sumptuous and glorious instinct for the splendor of color; the color that he loves and knows how to treat with wisdom and above all with grace.

Vigliaturo was born to do what he does. He wouldn’t know and couldn’t do anything else. In the midst of so many laboriously intellectualizing, speculative and experimental artists without talent, he produces, with ease, luminous and happy art.”